The whole idea of if the media determines promimnence or if we cover what the public wants is so tangled. I can run around in circles on it for hours. So far I've come up with that it's a symbiotic relationship.
But even with looking at the Paris Hilton bullshit. Is it that prominent because people care? Or do we make it that important? Do we determine celebrity? If so, are we being responsible about covering it?
I actually really love thinking about journalism :).
The woman's name is Diana K. Sugg. Google her. She's amazing. you could get a recording of her lecture at The best journalism session I've ever been to. If you get a chance, you should go to a poynter writer's conference:
Yes, I'm that girl. The one who waits for the Hallmark holiday to tell the guy she's crazy about the things she wants to tell him every day, but can't get him to stay awake long enough to tell him. Never in a million years would I have thought that the painfully resonating "yo" on the other end of the line would belong to the person who I now can't imagine being without. Without you, I'd have no one to beat at dominoes, no one to show me the true importance at following a recipe, no one to make me laugh, make me giddy and make me fat. No one to challenge what I say, question what I believe and encourage me to stand up for myself. You mean so much to me...I'm insanely crazy about you. Well, except when you use that forbidden phrase - then I'm only a little crazy about you. I got butterflies the first time you kissed me, and they haven't gone away. I hope they never do.
- a love note printed in the Jan. 28 issue of Time
• Work at a major metropolitan daily • Fall in love, get married and have kids • Learn a foreign language • Go on a road trip down Route 66 • Audition for American Idol and a Broadway show • Participate in a karaoke contest • Teach a class • Inspire someone • Graduate from college • Study abroad • Learn how to cook real food • Live in New York City • Read everything from the 100 greatest novels list • Watch everything from the 100 greatest movies list • Learn how to snowboard • Go skydiving • Move out of Nevada • Write a book • Go to Disney World • Write something that's published in a magazine • Make a difference • Learn how to properly play a piano • Learn how to use one of those really complicated cameras and actually understand what I'm doing • Compose an entire song and record it using Finale
The whole idea of if the media determines promimnence or if we cover what the public wants is so tangled. I can run around in circles on it for hours. So far I've come up with that it's a symbiotic relationship.
But even with looking at the Paris Hilton bullshit. Is it that prominent because people care? Or do we make it that important? Do we determine celebrity? If so, are we being responsible about covering it?
I actually really love thinking about journalism :).
The woman's name is Diana K. Sugg. Google her. She's amazing. you could get a recording of her lecture at The best journalism session I've ever been to. If you get a chance, you should go to a poynter writer's conference:
I also appreciate the morning coffee faries.
Coffee is for demons
Your job sucks. Demand a raise.
Read my response to your reply on Annie's thingy.
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