
New blog.

It's a new summer, so it's a new blog.
That, and the URL on this one says something that isn't true, since I won't be in Vegas.

So go visit, if you want, and let me know what you think!



Late nights.

I seriously have no idea why my sleeping schedule is so fucked up.

Anyway, it's 4 a.m., and it's been a while since I've updated this.

Highlights of the past month:
- I'm actually passing all of my classes at this point (as far as I know of, anyway)
- The paper still owns my soul
- I had a shitty week at the paper, with many mistakes made on my part. Got a lot to work on this week so as to avoid last week's mistakes.
- Bad thing after bad thing keeps happening at/near this university. A girl went missing the day I got back to Reno, and her body was found last Saturday. It feels like it's been one thing after another this year.
- I realized the only reason I go to the Barnes and Noble here in Reno on a consistent basis is to see the really cute guy who works there. I have no idea what his name is.
- Valentine's was decent. Good, even, except for the fact that making plans with friends seems to fail these days. I don't know if it's me or everyone else.
- I have a celebrity crush on Ryan Reynolds.
- CSI makes everything look so much easier than it really is.
- I've managed to miss two ballroom dancing classes in a row.
- I appeared on Greta Van Susteren's show to talk about the murdered girl case. It also proves to me that I just don't like broadcast.
- I also corrected her on live TV.
- White russians are amazing. The drink, not the people.
- I started planning out bits and pieces of my wedding after seeing "27 Dresses." Sad, I know.
- I am still getting over some sort of viral infection that the student health center was not able to identify. To make me feel better, they gave me cough syrup.
- I still need to work on socializing/sleeping more.

New vow - must learn how to update this blog on at least a weekly basis.

And now I'm off to bed, even though I'm not the least bit tired.


12 hours.

That is how long I have been in Reno.

Can I go back to Las Vegas, please?

I have no idea what's wrong with me.

The past 12 hours have been rather uneventful. I was picked up at the airport, went to lunch at Olive Garden, went to the dorms, went to work, went back to the dorms, ate Jimmy John's for dinner and have been unpacking for the past hour.

I need to get back into the swing of things. It kind of kicked in when I sat there organizing my desk - mostly because my brand new computer at work doesn't have Internet - and I was chatting with everyone that I haven't seen in five weeks. It's great to see everyone. I didn't even mind editing.

I just don't want to be here.

I would give anything to be at home, in the bedroom I grew up, lying in bed, awake and reading some book, and then going to bed at some ungodly hour only to be woken up by my daddy for breakfast/lunch the next morning (this just summed up five weeks of my life).

I hate this growing up thing right now.

Oh well. I'll be over it soon enough.

Also, sidenote: I'm totally fucked for my first class of the semester on Tuesday, mainly because it's at 9:30 a.m. Ugh.


Leaving Vegas.

So I'm sitting on my bed, tired from only getting three hours of sleep last night and waiting for my laundry to finish so I can leave for the airport.

And for the first time in a very long time, I don't want to leave Las Vegas.

You have to understand this - I am not a fan of my hometown. I do not want to live in my hometown when I am older. I spent a majority of my youth trying to get out of my hometown.

But the last five weeks have been nice. It's not because I don't pay for bills while I'm here. It's not because my car and I were reunited for a short period of time - though that helps. It's not even because my parents have given me much more leeway than they ever would have two years ago.

No, it's because when I'm here, I'm comfortable. I don't have to worry. I don't have to stress. My family is here. Some of my best friends are here. I know how to find my way around, even as new buildings pop up on every street corner.

I'm home. And I always forget how much I like love that.

I know I'll be back in a couple of weeks, and then in March, and then again in May.

But I'll still miss it.

Each time I leave this city, I appreciate it a little more.


Goal(s) for the semester.

To become better at what I do.
Made lots of mistakes last semester.
Am going to attempt to fix everything I did wrong (have not made formal list yet, but there were lots of them).
Am going to make more mistakes, because no one's perfect. Am going to try to fix those too.
Will keep learning and trying.
Will figure this out, damn it.
Will pass all classes.

Also: schedule change, got into the J204 class at 2:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.